Student Presentations

Presented in the Embryo Physics Course, April 16, 2014

Whitney Lee, The Physics of Myelin

“I’m a second year graduate student in the Center for Molecular Medicine at Wayne State University. I work in the lab of Dr Robert Skoff looking at the potential role of mitochondria in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease.”


Greg Moyerbrailean, The role of RNA-binding miRNAs in early embryogenesis

“As an undergraduate at Michigan State University, I studied microbial genetics and quickly became enamored with the complexity of it all, from evolution to regulation. I also developed an interest in programming, and began working on projects that combined the two fields. When applying to PhD programs, I decided to focus my interests on human genetics and decided on Wayne State University’s Center of Molecular Medicine and Genetics for it’s translational focus. Currently I am a second-year PhD student working under Roger Pique-Regi and Francesca Luca, studying the impact of non-coding variation on gene expression and phenotype.”


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